Company details

Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S

Address: Sydhalevej 8

7680 - Thyborøn

Phone: +45 97 83 19 22
Country: Denmark
Industries: Manufacturing & Design
Fishing Technology
Marine Industry
Netværk: AndersenB2B:Industry [Jylland]

Company contact

Name: Lars Andreasen
Title: CEO & Owner
Phone: +45 40271920
Linkedin: Visit profile

About the company
Thyborøn Skibssmedie A/S is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of trawldoors for the global fishing industry.

Thyborøn Trawldoors are used by fishermen from all over the world for all different kinds of pelagic, semi-pelagic and bottomfishing. In co-operation with fishermen and technical experts from the leading flume tanks in the world, Thyborøn Skibssmedie is continously woking on improvements on its trawldoor products.

The trawldoors are manufactured by highly skilled and well educated staff in first class materials. The result of the staff's experience, the best technical equipment and accomplished working procedures is high-quality products with a minimum of mistakes.

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