Company details

Nordic Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines Inc.

Address: 19F Philippine AXA Life Center Senator Gil J. Puyat Avenue, corner Tindalo Street

1200 - Makati City

Phone: +63 2 759 2246
Country: Philippines
Industries: Advisory & Consulting
Netværk: AndersenB2B:EAFC

Company contact

Name: Jesper Svenningsen
Title: Executive Director
Phone: +63 9175290652
Linkedin: Visit profile

About the company
NordCham Philippines brings together the Nordic-Philippine business community. The organization promotes and facilitates trade, commerce, industry, and investment between the Philippines and the Nordic (Denmark,Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden) and Baltic (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) countries.

With a team of five full time staff and 120 members, NordCham Philippines is the largest Nordic Chamber of Commerce in Asia. Our member companies include major multinationals, SMEs, startups, representing industries such as ICT, energy & clean technologies, maritime & logistics, healthcare & pharmaceuticals, and financial & corporate services.

In addition to membership and consulting services, NordCham Philippines arranges numerous events for its members and guests, ranging from formal events such as the annual Nordic Ambassadors’ Luncheon, Awards Night, and luncheons with key government officials and private sector leaders to casual events such as after-works and speed networking, and traditional Nordic social events like midsummer celebration, crayfish party, and Christmas lunch.

Total trade between the Philippines and the Nordic and Baltic region reached € 652 million in 2015. Exports from the Nordic and Baltic countries to the Philippines totaled € 425 million, while imports were at € 227 million.

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