Company details

Aller Aqua A/S

Address: Allervej 130

6070 - Christiansfeld

Phone: +45 7022 1910
Country: Denmark
Industries: Fishing Technology
Food & Food Processing
Netværk: AndersenB2B:Industry [Jylland]
AndersenB2B:Industry [Fyn & Sjælland]

Company contact

Name: Ole Haubro
Title: Sales Director
Phone: +45 23834080
Linkedin: Visit profile

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About the company
Aller Aqua produce fish feed for freshwater and saltwater aquaculture. That is the brief presentation, but it doesn’t even come close to covering the entire story. Aller Aqua is a family owned company with roots tracing back more than a thousand years. We have produced fish feed for more than 50 years, and this makes us one of the worlds most experienced fish feed producers, delivering some of the best products on the market, to our customers.

Today Aller Aqua has factories in Denmark, Poland, Germany, Egypt, China and Zambia, and we export our products to more than 60 countries worldwide. We have a broad and professional product range, consisting of feed for 30 species of fish. We know the importance the right feed plays in our customers production, and therefore our own professional development- and research centre in Germany, Aller Aqua Research, consistently works on optimizing, developing and documenting the effect of our products. This ensures that our customers receive top-quality professional products, at competitive prices – delivered on time.

As a company we are big enough to meet your needs, and small enough to be flexible. This ensures that we can react quickly to our customer’s needs, which is essential when you strive not only to deliver fish feed, but also to spar with and contribute to optimizing our customers businesses. Our experience and history is our guarantee to our customers that we know what we are talking about, that we keep our promises, and that we are right here – and that will still be the case in many years to come.

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