Company details

Chem-Tec Plating A/S

Address: Kærvejen 13

7171 - Uldum

Phone: +45 75 67 92 92
Country: Denmark
Industries: Manufacturing & Design
Netværk: AndersenB2B:Industry [Jylland]

Company contact

Name: Bo Hvid Mikkelsen
Title: CEO
Phone: 24884750

What we are looking for in the network:
Find new clients, To expand my professional network, To learn from others’ market experience

About the company
Chem-Tec Plating A/S is highly specialised in functional plating primarily including properties such as contactability, solderability, wear and abrasion resistance, frictional properties, hardness, and corrosion resistance.

The plating is based on solutions for a wide range of industrial fields such as printed circuit boards and the electronic industry as well as the engineering industry including the food, medical, and pharmaceutical industry.

Throughout the entire production process flexibility and quality are the key words. Right from the consulting phase and proposals of solutions to tests and production and subsequently quality control and delivery.

Besides from providing metallic surface treatment, Chem-Tec Plating A/S is involved in the development process guaranteeing the necessary focus on the product surface from the beginning of the process ensuring the ideal surface finish. There are competent and dedicated employees in all functions with many years of experience which helps to ensure an always high quality.

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